Sorry to hear, humano.
Ah, nothing to be sorry about. He was old. And often mean and a little crazy, but he really knew his shit. I loved learning from him and grateful that I had the opportunity. If you haven't already, you should check out his stuff. I know we were having fun with misconceptions about poetry the other day and that people are dismissive of poems because some of them are short, but honestly Bill Knott was probably the master of the short poem and it's what he's most famous for.
It's a bit ironic that his last draft on his blog is such a long one, but I think that as far as final poems go, this one is not bad.
ANOTHER RESURRECTION Also by Bill Knott God sucks off tombstones
until they cum, the soul
up from its finest gloryhole
gushers across His tongue--
Only the premature flesh
(for the last time/eternally)
is left to detumesce, just
another BJ, another JC.