Jaw. Floor.The article has some real jaw-droppers. I did not know, for instance, that India operates its military radar on an “as-needed” basis. In order to be detected, apparently, whoever was flying MH370 would have to have called up the Indian armed forces first.
My bet - assuming the data behind the twin arcs remains uncontested - is that the plane has been lost somewhere along the southern arc. Someone took out the pilots, turned off the transponder, and as the passengers slept, parachuted away . . . I'm guessing the plane had possibly two passengers not listed on the passenger manifest . . . As to why . . . the pilot is noted as a member of government opposition which itself may present either motive or possible means of cover, should some details leak. In other words the target could have been anyone on the plane, it could also have been the airline, and there are in fact other ways such an incident could have been used to either influence or to intimidate - any of which could rely on the pilot's relationship with the ruling party to deflect suspicion from alternative scenarios . . . The whole thing is so bizarre that this is almost the only explanation that really makes sense.