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comment by _refugee_
_refugee_  ·  3866 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Are You a Grammar Nerd? What's Your Score?

#2 makes you an obnoxious douchebag. No one likes being corrected. I try to correct my nearest and dearest the least. It may drive me mad, but no one likes being corrected, even if they tell you to do it.

#5. Mortification over a simple error? Not my style. Yes I know better. I also know better than to allow minor missteps to mortify me.

#7. No. Bitch I ain't followin' SHIT on facebook.

The rest I mostly agree with. My current dead horse concerns the correct use of "amount" vs. "number." I beat it on Reddit. No one appreciates it. That's cool.

Edit: I'm clearly an irritable grammar bitch today. Work has not been kind. Nor has my body.