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comment by ButterflyEffect
ButterflyEffect  ·  3860 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Sixty-Third Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately" Thread

I am really enjoying that Allen Walker track, and the stuff that you have on your soundcloud. Empire of the Sun is always good to, not a huge fan but I can listen to them and not really care.

Nothing like some funky electro-pop to get you moving. Which DAW do you use when you're making your music?

am_Unition  ·  3860 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Ableton Live 9.

I could preach the wonders of it with the conviction of a born-again priest.

Plug-Ins are stupidly powerful, but having Ableton as a backbone provides the perfect skeleton with which to build empires.

Thank you for checking out my productions!

Please, if you find some time, I would love to hear critiques of my recent EP, "Church of the Sun". Basically... what DIDN'T you like about it? I'm trying to improve my game, ya know? :)

ButterflyEffect  ·  3859 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I should really sit down and learn how to properly use Ableton once I'm done with this LSDJ album. Maybe come Summer that will happen.

It's what I do! Music is a big part of what gets me through the day, you have no idea. I enjoyed all of these so picking out what I didn't like took a few listens.

The Hymm: Really the only part of this song that I disliked was what I can best described as the xylophone-esque instrument that you have going. It sounded a bit too tinny to me. I see what you were getting at with wanting something on the treble side of things but I didn't really like in the bridge.

The Message: My only suggestion for this song would be having a bit more defined of a build-up to the section starting around 5:50 (on the EP).

Confession: Dat bass at the end of the track. I wish there was more of that somewhere else in that track.

The Blessing: This is probably my favorite of the four songs. The only thing I could really think of, and this is a stretch, is that it stays at pretty much the same dynamic for the second half of the song.

Way better than my compositions. Also, do you have this EP up for download anywhere?

am_Unition  ·  3857 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks for your time!! I appreciate the critique. :)

I also have developed a need for music, but I'm new to production. Three years ago I had just started booting up garage band, in a garage, with an acoustic guitar and a condenser mic. Now I have a tiny studio, with plans to expand once I'm done with grad school, but that'll be 6 years or so...

All of my songs are free for download, just scroll down my soundcloud page.

Do you have a soundcloud? Chiptune is always rad!

ButterflyEffect  ·  3857 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Production is a lot of fun, my experience is limited to LSDJ and a little bit of Pro Tools for other people's stuff. Oh nice, you should post a picture of your studio sometime!

Cool, don't know how I missed that. I have one really old song on my soundcloud, but I'm going to start uploading some snippets from an upcoming LP to it.

My first EP can be found on my bandcamp, I'm much happier with this than the song that's on soundcloud.