That's very odd. What browser are you using? Do you have any extensions that you think could have the effect? Can you highlight the area the text should be, right click and use 'inspect element' and see if there is text there that is hidden for some reason? Also, try changing your Hubski style in your settings and see if that makes a difference.
Thanks for the reply! I'm using Firefox, whatever the latest one is, and none of my extensions should be having this effect. I did the inspect element thing and there was just nothing in between where it should be and the other elements. It's the same for all the Hubski styles.
I found the text in inspect element! pubtext That led me to trying it out in other browsers, even though I've tried it before to no avail, but lo and behold it works now! Opera
Chrome I still have the problem with firefox, but that must be something wrong with my firefox more than anything else. Thanks for your help mk! edit: poking around some more it seems that the problem was with adblock. Pretty stupid of me not to figure that out.