Hi, I made this site with my friend jdiez. Your admin friends suggested that I post about it here.
This is amazing! First of all, running Arch in production? Awesome. This is pretty much everything I've wanted in an image hosting service plus audio and video? Impressive. Have you been working on this full time for 9 months or has this been a side project?
I love it! Thank you so much for the 50 MB limit. The GIF conversion is genius. I hope this takes off, I'll definitely be showing it around. I did find an interesting bug. https://mediacru.sh/S4EDlJ1OaSQH
On the right side example on the About page, you can hover over the converted GIF. When you click "direct link," it opens up a new frame (where the converted GIF used to be) in which the home page is displayed. I then clicked on the About page from within this frame, and navigated to the converted GIF once more. I used the frame which was used for displaying the converted GIF to navigate to the converted GIF once more, just inside the original GIF frame. Ugh, I completely botched that explanation. Calling mk & insomniasexx for help explaining.
delta - your explanation wasn't too bad. It looks like you've managed to do things you shouldn't do inside the iFrame. This is fairly common when there are links inside of an iFrame. SirCmpwn, it's on this page: https://mediacru.sh/about - click direct download link within the right iFrame. It allows you to load the entire MediaCrush site again in the iFrame. I opened an iFrame in an iFrame in an iFrame in an iFrame. Hehe Since you (luckily) have access to the content the iFrame is loading, I would add a target="_top" to the links. This will open the link at the top level of all defined framesets. I've never used _top (only _blank) but this seems like what it was meant to be used for. Hypothetically, if the "direct download" link is in the main body, it'll open in that tab still. If it isn't, it'll open in the parent. Let me know how it works out.
I have a question regarding the record audio feature. Is that all HTML5 audio? I see it opens and asks for permission to my mic in-browser in Chrome/FF. Do you have fallback set up for older, non-HTML5 browsers? I've been thinking of doing something with in-browser audio recording but thought that it wasn't widely supported enough. Interested in hearing your thoughts. Also, one of the reasons imgur became widely successful (besides getting redditors right off the bat) is that they allowed you to accomplish your goal (share a photo) as easily as possible. That means 2 clicks and you have a direct link to an image. I would recommend allowing users (especially power users) to directly open images in one click. Right now it's two - I upload an image (I'm on my homepage), I click on it (now I'm on a different mediacrush page: https://mediacru.sh/PbhtLPGzAPF6) and then I have to click it again to get the direct link to the image. Alternately, you could add this direct link directly under each image so I don't have to click at all, or add a button on the image that allows me to directly open my image if you still want users to be able to go to the single image page. For sites like yours, go through and make some personas. I hate personas but you really need to target different levels of users and figure out how to give them an exceptional experience. You power users are the ones who will make your site successful. Imgur is getting too big. They have their own community that is pissing off redditors. I wouldn't be surprised if imgur sold in the next 6 months. There is room in this market for a new image host. Your home page is a bit wonky on skinny screens as well. Probably have to do some media queries on that shit. :)
It's not too widely supported, but we only show the UI if your browser supports it. It's not our flagship feature or anything, so we didn't bother with a fallback. I will look into making it quicker to get a direct link. Power users might also consider using something like mediacrush-cli. I'll also try to improve the layout for skinny screens.I have a question regarding the record audio feature. Is that all HTML5 audio? I see it opens and asks for permission to my mic in-browser in Chrome/FF. Do you have fallback set up for older, non-HTML5 browsers? I've been thinking of doing something with in-browser audio recording but thought that it wasn't widely supported enough. Interested in hearing your thoughts.
Thanks for the response! Sounds great. I figured as much regarding the audio - I was just to lazy to start up parallels and check IE. I cannot wait until those types of features are more widely supported.
There's a CORS-enabled API and mediacrush.js, it'd be easy to let users "upload" to Hubski and drop a link into the URL field.
If one of the larger adult oriented file-sharing sites tries to avoid animated gifs and instead use mediacru.sh, would you prefer if they were running a self hosted instance or would they be welcome to use your hosted service? You welcome donations, considering the use-case described above and your public service being used, what would you consider a reasonable amount to donate?
Thank you for your reply. I am a big fan of mediacursh. Currently mediacrush is being developed actively and it would require a lot of attention to self-host in a production environment for someone not taking part in the development process. If you could spare a few minutes to answer some more detailed questions on donations, please drop me an email at cmq@cmail.nu