Drinking leads to thinking, it's just a middle-man really. I would advise drinking them at the most appropriate moments, that part is up to you.
Sounds like the voice of experience. Luckily you are wiser now. btw, interesting hearing about your poetry last night at the drinking party. There's two words that often go together: poetry and drink (Dylan Thomas comes to mind). The one you mentioned, please send it by pm or email if you want to share/discuss.
It is in your messages, and I am only as wise as my wallet is waifish. ;) I've been on a powerfully building writing/poetry/submission/DO DO DO kick for the last two weeks or more and it's really starting to show in my Hubski conversations, haha. But there are significantly worse things to be obsessed with. I am not a good drunk writer, however. Maybe I miss the sweet spot in the middle when my handwriting's still legible, I don't know. I'm a great drunk Tweeter. Notable moments include: "If I were apple I would name all my operating systems after bread" and "I just want someone I want delete my tweets with the next morning."