This is a 75 minute film that follows a loose storyline of three dancers in the city (NYC I assume). The kicker is the film is entirely set to All Day, Girl Talk's 2010 album. I don't know how many of you are familiar with Girl Talk, but essentially his music is composed solely from samples other songs. It's very fast paced and "sugary", so much that it can be overwhelming. However, I love what GT does and I think All Day is his best work. I swore I would only watch the first chapter but I ended up watching the whole thing in one sitting. I feel it's quite a well made film, though I'm certainly no critic.
I adore All Day, and I've never heard of this film. I'm so stoked to watch it later. If you enjoy Girl Talk's music, you might be interested in this documentary about remix culture, which as a bonus includes a bunch of concert footage.