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comment by _refugee_
_refugee_  ·  3924 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Lil's Book of Questions: Are You Reflective?

Even if a situation were transcendent I would reflect on it. Why was it transcendent? What is it about the work of art, the style, the subject, that made you feel in a certain way? I love analyzing things and am prone to over-thinking, which I shall define here because I see that insomniasexx also defines her over-thinking and mine is slightly different. When I over think, I am most likely to be overanalyzing the motives, reasons, actions, and effects of other people. I do follow Occam but I guess I know I am pretty likely to have more reasons than just the obvious for doing something - "is that manipulative?" she asks herself over breakfast - and I like to assume other people are like me, although I find that often they are not. Which I expect is the case of most people.

I like to reflect on problems. I can't help it actually. Often I will have "Eureka!" moments when all of a sudden a pattern becomes clear. I often reflect and re-reflect on something when it bothers me or when I have difficulty believing my prior conclusions. In addition I reflect on things (or people) that I care about greatly. At some point I reach a "reflection cap" and have to stop reflecting because it becomes insom's over thinking - I know the conclusions already and I'm not getting anywhere, just rehashing situations. Of course then I begin reflecting on why I feel this way. Sometimes I have to throw up my hands at this point and just accept that I feel a certain way about, say, a person and that's it - but especially if it is a negative feeling I prefer to have reasons over none. If it is a positive feeling like an affection I can accept that perhaps it sprung out of nothing I can define, although I'd still like to if I could.

I think I am very reflective. But also very experiential. So I will be boring and put my ratios at 50/50. I am very reflective when there are things to be reflective about.

lil  ·  3924 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    and I like to assume other people are like me, although I find that often they are not.
I tend to assume that others are not like me. For example, the spousal unit said he was 80% experience and 20% reflection.

At least he reflected long enough to come up with those numbers.

_refugee_  ·  3924 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That is probably a wiser assumption, lil.