For what it's worth I'm happy with the ways things currently are and would rather not see the above happen. If you don't like what people say that's fine, but completely stifling their speech is another thing. Extreme cases aside.Some users were under the impression that mute would prevent a user from responding to their comments anywhere on the site.
Currently 'ignored' people can reply to you, show up in your notifications, and presumably appear in your site searches (general, domain, tag, etc) and chatter (?).The whole point of "ignore" is that you don't have to deal with them on your crap.
What should happen: Yes, but you shouldn't get a notification of it. Didn't used to be that way. Something's fucked up on your end, son. That's not what's happening with me. The only way I see minimumwage's posts are if I cruise global, and if I click my own chatter, the only people I see are people I follow or people who have replied to me. Seems like there is some technical shit going wrong, because your experience should be the same as mine, and it isn't.Currently 'ignored' people can reply to you,
show up in your notifications,
and presumably appear in your site searches (general, domain, tag, etc) and chatter (?).
Yeah I've gotten reply notifications from ignored people. I was guessing on the latter based on what mk wrote above. (That is, I don't know that chatter and searches don't screen your ignores, but mk's post suggests they don't.) mute: The muted user cannot comment on your posts. hush: The hushed user sorts to the bottom of comment threads that you view. ...says nothing about search or chatter. Any clarification? Search especially.ignore: You do not see the ignored user's posts in your feed or the global feeds.
mk keeps fucking with chatter. Sometimes he doesn't tell anybody. He nuked global chatter by accident once. After four days I posted a #bugski about it and he said "oops, my bad." Apparently I'm the only one who uses it. Search? I would consider search to be kind of obligatory at this point. It's not the hottest engine.
We're constantly fucking with the site. It's not exclusive to content you use (although you do seem to be having a bad time lately.) For what it's worth, I use chatter a lot but rarely dive into the global chatter. Perhaps if I had more time to cruise Hubski. I feel like I'm never around anymore :(
The prospect of completely removing a persons ability to comment on my posts worries me from an open discourse perspective (right now). As the site scales I'm sure my opinion will change, but right now I like just pushing their comments to the bottom / not getting notifications and all that. That's enough customization for me at this point.
Both you and kleinbl00 are approaching this from an open discourse perspective. But people with opinions are not who I ignore (some do on this site, that's fine). I ignore people whose comments are consistently stupid or whose posts are consistently spam or from bad sources. It's not a question of creating an echo chamber or getting rid of viewpoints with which I disagree; it's a question of having worthless content getting in the way of viewing good content. Also there seem to be some issues specific to me regarding notifications. Not sure how to sort that out.
Ah, yes I ignore the people who spam too (I do wish they wouldn't show up on the community page, less publicity the better but that's a different story). Part of it is that my feed page and the global page are scarily similar (like, nearly identical) so I don't notice most of them anyway.