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comment by teamramonycajal

I find it very hard to be overwhelmed with hate/anger by things that are not happening directly to me, to be honest. As much as global warming is bad, Africa is a hellhole, and I find that 75% of all people I meet end up infuriating me in one way or another (it's gotten better, I hang out in a nice echo chamber-type crowd), I have things that I have got to do.

    I know to live as a human is to suffer, and that it is my attachment that causes the pain, but detaching from the world around me and not caring that any of this is going on seems elitist, short minded, and cruel.

Nah. Distancing is a reasonable coping mechanism in this situation. You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. Put on your own oxygen mask first.

    My heart breaks, and it breaks because I love, and deeply. What do I do? When I've meditated on these things I end up at suicide or full open revolution.

Because you feel powerless to do anything else? What, can you not do charitable work or something?

OftenBen  ·  3953 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I work for two different non-profits for people/kids with cardiac illness (A certain set of not-so-rare diseases) and raise seeing eye dog puppies.

It's not enough.

teamramonycajal  ·  3952 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Maybe this is just because on the relative scale of My Heart Is Black, Cold, And Made Of Stone to My Heart Is So Squishy-Soft And Bleeding It Needs An Ambulance, I'm a little closer to the former extreme, but...

Two non-profits, seeing-eye-dog puppies, trying to get a job in research? If I did that I'd feel strung out and overinvolved (out of all these kinds of things, I am only involved with the last one, and that's because it's my chosen path in life).

And you've mentioned in the "Do you want to learn" thread that you're seeing a therapist.

You need some emotional armor and maybe a stronger sense of self-preservation.

OftenBen  ·  3952 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    a stronger sense of self-preservation.

Yeah don't have much of that.