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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3826 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, What Are Some Of Your Personal (Dating) Relationship Guidelines/Rules?

    Can't I expect some effort from a guy?

Not the question. The question is whether you acknowledge the effort they're making. Goes both ways. It's a power struggle. It's not enough to be the one not calling; you have to be the one to make them cool with it.

    OK, so sometimes I hang out with really shady dudes who try to convince me to crash in their bed overnight after repeatedly trying to keep making out with me after I've said I'm not interested.

You should seriously cut that out. We call that "emotionally erosive behavior."

    Monogamy makes everything easier if everyone's on board for a monogamous relationship.

Fuck-buddies seriously aren't worth this much overhead. That shit gets swept under the rug.

    I often observe that after an given interaction is over, at some point, parties will attempt to reignite it for various reasons.

Fuck everything about that.

The second-to-last bisexual wiccan ex-stripper got kicked to the curb after she got all sloppy with some of her fishing boat friends at someone else's wedding. I jammed, and then remembered I had her purse in my trunk. So I swung my her place and grabbed all my shit, then dropped her purse off with a friend.

...and then spent two weeks in purgatory while we did the "is this really over" dance. And yeah, shoulda just cut it clean right there.

_refugee_  ·  3826 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah, I don't continue hanging out with guys after incidents like that. Of course, it would be better if I could develop some kind of radar that would help me avoid them before stuff like that happens.

    So I swung my her place and grabbed all my shit, then dropped her purse off with a friend.
