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comment by mk

    I'm predisposed to using Hanlon's razor: it's probably stupidity, not malice.

I absolutely agree. I highly doubt that the Obama Administration has entertained nefarious designs; unfortunately, that is an intrinsic part of the defense. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Just because the 'slippery slope' argument seems tired, or is often abused, that doesn't mean there aren't circumstances where it reasonably applies.

We can have a well-meaning and bumbling bureaucracy walk us into a undesirable future just as easily as a cast of Machiavellian masterminds, if not with greater ease.

teamramonycajal  ·  3918 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Machiavellian masterminds are still pretty bumbling, if the arc of history is much of an indication.