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comment by veen
veen  ·  3819 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: My First 1000 Days on Hubski

Congrats lil! I just passed the milestone of 250 days (this profile is 31 days behind).

Question for you: without dwelling on highlights, what do you think is an important lesson that you've learned from hubski? What do you get out of it the most?

lil  ·  3819 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Two questions:

#1: What is an important lesson that I've learned from hubski?

I'm not sure I learned this from hubski, but I definitely practised this on hubski A LOT - so it is even more important than merely learning it. Every comment to me, no matter how stupid and offensive it seems at first read, comes from a commentator's experience, reading, or misreading of something I have written. Every time I am hurt or offended or pissed off at someone's response to something I've written, I look for the truth in it - the truth of their experience. If the criticism is of something I've written, I look for how they might see that in my writing. I write back by reinforcing the offensive thing they said, or paraphrasing my understanding of what they said. I agree with them and repeat how they might be right in their interpretation. I then restate my point, if I still believe it. The outcome, almost 100% of the time is that a misunderstanding is clarified.

#2: What do I get out of Hubski the most?

"Meeting" you and others who challenge and engage and teach me things. I picked up information on many topics that I wouldn't normally know about -- urban planning, the big bang, black holes, white holes, and so on. I began bringing these things up in conversation. My current spousal unit would say, "How do you know that." I'd say, "hubski."

It got to the point where he'd say, "Did you read that on hubski? I should join them."