I should mention that not having to use a GPS is a much more enjoyable experience and I don't use one unless I absolutely have to. Getting lost can be a good time if you're not in a hurry to get somewhere.
I'm hopeless with directions. While on vacation in Florida my dad called (they were on a dock and saw MANATEES and I'd been going on and on about how I wanted to see MOTHER FUCKING MANATEES, MERMAIDS OF THE OCEAN) and told me to walk to a place about 3 blocks from me. I had him repeat the directions, twice. I was pretty sure I knew where he was talking about...but I asked him to text me them, just to be sure. He scoffed, told me he wasn't doing that, and to just come. 15 minutes later I had indeed walked to the wrong place and was calling him back. To be fair, I had originally walked to the right place...but...yeah. I could get lost in a paper sack. GPS all the way.