Well kiddies, you were asking why there's two phone lines coming into the house. We had a second phone line installed for the computers. Both those phone lines have been eaten by squirrels now. Of all the outlets in the house, only one is still working. All that blue cable in the basement? Oh, you saw where we drilled a hole in the basement wall to run the blue cable from the back of the house to the front? Right, and those other holes in the ceilings? Well that was before wireless. And that set of encyclopaedias. And all those reference books. Well, you know how granpa and I still like to do the Sunday New York Times Crossword Puzzle every week? When I was in school, we even used the encyclopaedia for school projects.
I'm old enough that I used encyclopedias in elementary school. I occasionally get a glimpse of one in the reference section of our library. Besides that, it's school-provided MacBooks and Wikipedia. I think I'm part of the last generation to use hardcover encyclopedias at all in my education. Kids in my old elementary school now have Chromebooks. Go figure.