Absolutely. You chose to start my morning with an exercise in character assassination. More than that, you assumed it was okay to project your personal need for drama upon my friends. Finally, you injected a heapin' helpin' of discord into a forum I value. Based on your reaction, you view this as acceptable behavior. It isn't. No, you disturbed the clarity and utility of an interesting conversation in an attempt to satisfy your need for gossip. For you to hurt my feelings your opinion would have to matter to me. What matters is not your opinion but your behavior. It is in need of correction lest this sort of thing happen again. I'm aware of that. In fact, I called you on it ("Three days you've been shining it on as if you didn't drop a dookie in the punch bowl"). I'm not going to let you.
I linked to the last comment - the one you didn't answer. You're the one who made this about ME. This site matters to me. Your behavior is inappropriate. I have no real call to address your behavior towards others, but your behavior towards me is entirely within my purvey. You don't get to do this with me. That would be me. You chose to address your comment to me and I'm here to let you know that I'm not going to let you do that. We WILL have this out. That's what civilized people do. Either that, or you can go about your merry way, interacting with everyone but me. Should you chose to interact with me, however, I will remind you that our interactions are necessarily colored by your past behavior. No. Answer me. Not anymore. If you wanted to talk about anything other than your antagonism about me (not even towards me or to me because that wouldn't be as gossipy delicious) then you should have directed your comment to someone other than me. You quoted my statements just now, and used them as a springboard for your own. I'm not going to let you do that. You're well aware of the reason why. Straighten it out, or shut the fuck up. You've had three days to either (a) amend your allegations to the point where I can answer them or (b) withdraw them and apologize. You've done neither. Consider this a "past due" notice.Aw boo you're still angry about an online shitfit we had all of three days ago and it upset you so much you spent five miles of walk dwelling on it.
I hurt your widdle feewings?
I saw what you were actually trying to say and moved on.
Oh, and you link to just one post you made instead of the entire thread. You're STILL remarkably full of yourself.
Embarrassed on the internet. okay
Christ, now who's the thread-derailer?
Move the fuck on.
Now I think we were talking about the death penalty here.
I do not care enough about you to do this. You're going to let me do it, because you cannot make me do it, you egotistical prick. I called you out on some bullshit, you said I got you wrong, I acknowledged I got you wrong. That should be enough. I don't give a fuck about the fact that I disturbed your precious morning. It's not precious to me. By the way, this 'better with words' shit? I don't agree, but at least I can let my words stand on their own to let others make a conclusion about it instead of making a bombastic claim like that.
What I said I would make you do - deal with me whenever you respond to me - is entirely within my purvey. If I felt like it, I could make you deal with me whenever you post, presuming you aren't commenting in a thread where I've been muted. But I'm not going to do that, because this is about you and me, not you and everyone else. I'm curious where you think you "acknowledged" that you "got me wrong." Because all I've seen is one condescending insult after another. Regardless, a general rule of thumb is to assume you haven't apologized if the injured party is acting like you haven't. All I know is that you deliberately acted like you didn't understand satire to stir up drama, when in fact our first interaction was you calling me out for not recognizing satire. Every interaction since then has been you flexing your muscle, padewan. The fact that you're pinned and the refs have counted you out only makes it tragic. You move past this by saying "I'm sorry I accused you of sexism out of the blue without bothering to confront you first" or words to that effect. The only catch is you have to mean it. Let me know when you're ready for that; I suspect you'll find it cathartic.