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comment by teamramonycajal
teamramonycajal  ·  3816 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski how do you deal with incompetency?

Knowing where one of the links goes: I'm tired of this shit. Genuinely.

insomniasexx  ·  3816 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Arguing with kleinbl00 is like a rite of passage. We all have a few. You'll learn to love and respect while despising his words once you give up on being 100% right. No one is ever 100% right. Additionally, kleinbl00 is an exceptional writer who enjoys a proper argument and will find and point out every case in which you are not right. But that's okay. He's not 100% right either. I'm just not skilled enough to even attempt to find and argue any weaknesses in his argument.

Take what you can from his points, stand by your own point of view where you see fit, and don't waste 10k words unless you truly feel it is beneficial to you (and want your 10k words broken down). He will break it allllll down. Sometimes it's best to just read, agree to disagree, and move on. Ain't nobody got time for too much of that.

blackbootz  ·  3815 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Hmm. So I'm typing on a phone and I have to wake up very early, in a few hours actually, so I should be going to bed, and while none of this is your fault, I describe my cramped, fatigued position because I want you to know how important it is I think you hear this. I think you should give an honest attempt at seeking to understand others. It's very often a thankless job, but you get a lot (well, two) things out of it.

1) patience. By seeking to understand others even when we don't feel as understood as we'd like to be is practice for every other time in life that your patience will be tested, which is all the time. And, sometimes, all too rarely, but ever so rewardingly, we get

2) to be understood. When you seek to understand others, you'll find that sometimes the favor will be reciprocated.

I don't mean this in a heavy handed way, and if you believe I'm merely sticking up for my Internet friend or ganging up on you by saying this, please don't, because not only (as has been pointed out) does kb need no help from me, I say this because you said you're tired of this shit.

_refugee_  ·  3815 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah, but the shit isn't going to go away until you actually confront it, you know.