There's also a break between the culture of peace, love, and, to some extent, apathy that have characterized weed culture since the 60s and... HOW MUCH THC CAN WE LOAD INTO YOUR SYSTEM AT ONCE!? It's all the logic of binge drinking being lauded in an entirely different context.
I think thundara is with me here because theres a second 'layer' of enjoying marijuana, and that's the culture, history, and state of mind you join when you're smoking. From my experience, people who routinely/only dab dismiss the fun of relaxing with a joint or a handmade bowl.. They'll buy the newest vapes all the time and they're the same people who will buy jugs of Smirnoff to chug instead of sitting down for a neat glass of Jameson. Maybe it makes me a pretentious hipster but even though im high as fuck and having a great time dabbing, I'm detached from some of the real fun.