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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3912 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Editor's blog: I am sexist Let's talk about how, why and what I'm doing about it.

    This is a fairly run of the mill violent action that doesn't represent any hatred or dislike of women. It isn't sexist.

Wikipedia would disagree:

    In feminist film theory, it has become a byword for the negative archetype of the vulnerable woman requiring male rescue; in the first episode, for example, Pauline is bound and gagged and left in a burning building until a man saves her. However, the character of Pauline was also distinctive in her time as an unmarried New Woman who was free to engage in adventure, and her adventures proved themselves an early commercial success, primarily among women film audiences.


    It is an action designed to strike fear and to strike down, not a silly part of a comedy/drama.

The argument at the heart of this disagreement is intent. It is intended to be an homage to a film serial from the tail end of the Wild West era. That was 100 years ago, however, a full six years before women's suffrage in the United States. And unfortunately for apologists everywhere, "it was kosher 100 years ago" is an argument that seldom holds water.

    Secondly, the only controversial issue with feminism and this move is that it is representative of women needing saving.

No, it awards the player for murdering a woman for the crime of being a woman. It may not make you uncomfortable, but it certainly disquiets me. It appears I'm not alone.

    We shouldn't be protecting women against being attacked, killed, etc, in fictional media. No more than we do men.

We also shouldn't condone actions that fit societal paradigms from 100 years ago. The Klu Klux Klan example, for example, is obviously wrong to you.

    Anything is a valid discussion. The thing I'm saying is that it's not a valid point.

Unfortunately, you are mistaken.

bioemerl  ·  3912 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The issue with the movie is that it follows the damsel in distress trope.

The issue with damsel in distress is that it portrays women as something that should be protected. That women are weak, unable to stand for themselves. That some man has to save the person in trouble because they can't save themselves.

What is it you are saying when you say that having the murder of a woman in a video game is such a horrible thing?

Forget the whole fact that through most all games nearly all those who are killed, in both situations of helplessness and of not, are men. There are many instances where you are rewarded for murder throughout games, and the vast majority of those who you can kill are men.

What does it say to take offense to this one achievement just because it involves killing a woman in a senselessly violent way? Because I see it as the very thing that is wrong with the trope in the first place. The idea that women should be protected, shielded from violent action, and that they can't stand up for themselves.

", it awards the player for murdering a woman for the crime of being a woman"

No it doesn't. You aren't murdering the person because they are a woman. This isn't an attack on women because they are women. It features a woman because the film which is very consistently parodied through many films and other media, featured a woman.

Again, if the context was different. If you were in game and told to start murdering women on the street who aren't wearing good enough clothing because they deserve it, than i'd understand the offense to it. However, in this situation I do not.

I am still saying that it is not a valid point, no matter how many times you tell me I am mistaken (unless it is backed up with proof and I so decide to have my mind changed, that is)

kleinbl00  ·  3912 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    The issue with the movie is that it follows the damsel in distress trope.

The issue with The Perils of Pauline is that it was written and performed by people 50 years dead in an era concurrent with the Model T. The issue with Read Dead Redemption is that it was written and performed by people in an era where singling out any minority group for persecution is socially deviant.

You don't get to put on blackface, no matter how hilarious you think it is.

    Forget the whole fact that through most all games nearly all those who are killed, in both situations of helplessness and of not, are men.

No, focus on that. It emphasizes the unusual nature of killing - specifically - a woman.

    What does it say to take offense to this one achievement just because it involves killing a woman in a senselessly violent way?

That it's not okay to specifically kill a woman in a senselessly violent way.

    Because I see it as the very thing that is wrong with the trope in the first place.

There is no "trope." There's only "100 years ago."

    The idea that women should be protected, shielded from violent action, and that they can't stand up for themselves.

This is not "defeat a woman in battle." This is "find a defenseless woman and kill her."

    I am still saying that it is not a valid point, no matter how many times you tell me I am mistaken

It is abundantly clear that you view your arguments as valid. Wishing does not make it so.

JTHipster  ·  3910 days ago  ·  link  ·  

>There is no "trope." There's only "100 years ago."

It is actually a trope. While the origins of the trope were in "Perils of Pauline" (debated), it's also been used in multiple cartoons, movies, video games, comics, manga (this was news to me, I had entirely forgotten it's use in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure), books, plays, etc.

The fact that the achievement was just for a woman was a shitty decision, but it is a very small decision that was likely made with very, very little thought put in to it at all. Achievements are rarely significant parts of games. They are usually afterthoughts that are there as jokes or to sometimes pad out the game a little more (beat the game on every difficulty is basically tripling the time a player spends on your game).

I will not disagree that they should've put it in the parameters that you can do it to a man as well, but in terms of what Red Dead was as a whole, the single achievement of murdering a single person is relatively insignificant and a bit unfair to a game that has a pretty strong cast of characters. Bonnie MacFarlane is the head of the ranch and saves the protagonists life, does the lion's share of the work on the ranch, just to name one. I don't want to get in too many details because it is a very well done game.

The issue for Red Dead specifically is likely one of time rather than malicious intent. Nothing else about that game indicates any particular hatred of women or even condescension. If the cast seems male-centric, which it is, it's because Red Dead and a lot of Rockstar games tend to tackle issues of masculinity and have been doing so for quite some time.

By no means am I going to stand here and defend the industry, but the example used here with Red Dead is a pretty weak one compared to the vast swaths of games out there that range from "why aren't there and female characters" to "how come all of the ladies in Gears of War never actually do anything besides have gigantic breasts and somehow keep good looking hair in a warzone?" Good-looking, of course, being relative to when their textures load in.

It's an incredible shame that as an industry video games can't get away from the whole white man in front of the camera for the next 20 hours. It's really tiring after awhile and fucking confusing why it keeps happening from a story perspective. Shit, I would've given Watch_Dogs a prop if the protagonist was not-a-white-guy. It'd give more of a reason for cops to show up all the time instead of "AI that are coded to report actions taken by the player in X yards without regards to line of sight."

Outside of indie games, it seems that for the most part companies have gotten it in to their heads that if they let the player be a girl then anyone touching it will think it's gross. It's a larger issue of writing in games that extends far beyond just ladies (name the last black main character where you couldn't customize your main character), and it's something that needs to be addressed at a deeper level than looking at achievements.

It's incredibly confusing that the only game I've played in recent months where you've been in a pretty stable relationship during the actual game is Wolfenstein, a game about a cartoonishly well built protagonist murdering hundreds of nazis every minute. By the way, if anyone likes shooters, you should go play Wolfenstein, because it's actually fun and at least Nazis are really straightforward bad guys instead of yet "generic arabic people living in a desert" or "comically evil russians."

kleinbl00  ·  3910 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Outside of indie games, it seems that for the most part companies have gotten it in to their heads that if they let the player be a girl then anyone touching it will think it's gross.

Lara Croft and Samus would disagree. the last installment of Tomb Raider was even about Lara saving her best friend from the clutches of an apocalyptic cult of sexists... who were woshipping a woman.

    The issue for Red Dead specifically is likely one of time rather than malicious intent.

Right. An error of omission. That makes it a casual problem in a $100m game. So in other words, we can believe on of two scenarios:

1) Rock Star spent $100m on a game and didn't bother to go through their press materials to see if there was anything that might be deeply offensive.

2) Rock Star spent $100m on a game and leveraged the press controversy that always follows Rock Star releases despite perpetuating negative gender stereotypes.

In other words, they're so offensive they didn't realize they were being offensive, or they're so offensive they decided to profit from being offensive. Either way, this isn't a "sweep it under the rug" problem.

bioemerl  ·  3912 days ago  ·  link  ·  

"The issue with The Perils of Pauline is that it was written and performed by people 50 years dead in an era concurrent with the Model T. "

Are old films suddenly taboo just because they are old?

Should we start considering all the silent films as sexist and offensive?


My point is that this isn't a "blackface" example, no matter how much you are trying to make it out to be.

And that picture is kind of unnecessary, and it is honestly a really horrible example of blackface. I'm guessing it's some stupid celebrity bullshit I missed though, and I honestly couldn't care less about it.

Quit gobbling up everything that has been done wrong in attempt to relate it to this. If this achivement is wrong it will be wrong on it's own standing.

"That it's not okay to specifically kill a woman in a senselessly violent way."

This is in a videogame FULL of killing men in senselessly violent ways. And in an industry even more full of it.

If you want to say killing people is not ok, than take offense to video games in general, not sexism.

If you are saying that we shouldn't kill women in games, than you are doing the same thing that the "damsel in distress" trope is doing.

"There is no "trope.""

The tope I refer to is the "damsel in distress" trope, which exists to this very day.

"This is not "defeat a woman in battle." This is "find a defenseless woman and kill her."

Have you ever PLAYED red dead redemption?

This isn't exactly a game where those sorts of actions are unusual. Players in these games will often shoot people because they did nothing but look at them funny, or were just standing in the wrong place.

"Wishing does not make it so."

I don't need to wish.

kleinbl00  ·  3912 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    My point is that this isn't a "blackface" example, no matter how much you are trying to make it out to be.

Ahhh, but friend: it is. That which flies in The Jazz Singer does not fly on Dancing with the Stars. In 1975, you can title a movie "Boss Nigger." in 2014 you go WHAT THE WHAT!!?!!??

    Quit gobbling up everything that has been done wrong in attempt to relate it to this. If this achivement is wrong it will be wrong on it's own standing.

1) You are not the boss of me.

2) You keep negating my examples. Other examples are necessary, grasshopper.

3) It is wrong. The controversy made The Guardian, my friend. It's not like we're exploring new ground here.

    This is in a videogame FULL of killing men in senselessly violent ways. And in an industry even more full of it.

'member that point about singling out women? Do me a solid and go back and revisit that, since it explicitly faces this argument that you've made three times.

    Have you ever PLAYED red dead redemption?

Negative, Ghost Rider. I made the conscious decision before it came out that I wasn't interested in rewarding Rock Star for incentivizing violence against women. That's the way the system works: a vendor makes a choice I don't support, so I in turn don't support the vendor.

It's interesting that you think I must experience a system I find repellant in order to argue its repellence. It speaks to a certain lack of rhetorical rigor.

bioemerl  ·  3912 days ago  ·  link  ·  

what flies in the jazz singer doesn't fly today because of reasons other than its age.

I may not be the boss of you, but your attempts to "gobble up" any and all historical wrongs does nothing to support your point.

If it's wrong on its own standings, you shouldn't have to bother with all these comparisons to unrelated materials.

"'member that point about singling out women?"

There are no examples of singling out men in red dead redemption, no. However, having quest-points that involve specifically killing men are most likely just as common as those specifically singling out women.

This isn't specifically a killing, but it took me about ten minutes to find "kick X number of men in the balls" as an achievement in Saints Row 3. I'm sure I could find male-specific things which involve death of a helpless man after enough searching.

(although, saints row was the game that had the whole "steal women from pimps" thing. Something that I'd probably agree is quite over the line. As said, there are plenty of GOOD examples of real sexism in the games industry)

Game designers don't make these things to single out women, they make them because they are funny, or because they are references to old things.

"It's interesting that you think I must experience a system I find repellant in order to argue its repellence. It speaks to a certain lack of rhetorical rigor."

I made the argument because you don't seem to have any awareness of just how normal these horrible murdering of innocent people are in games like red dead. You don't need to play the game to know that, but you would know what the game is actually like had you played it. Heck, I haven't even played it.