I've pretty much stopped drawing since a long while now. I do pick up stuff and doodle for a bit every now and then, but I hardly ever finish anything or make anything that I like. It kinda sucks, before I started drawing less and less, I had gotten pretty damn good with pencil. Now I'm way behind where I was at my peak. I think the problem was as I got better, completing something took more and more time and I had less and less patience. I was drawn more towards playing music which was far more kinetic and instantly gratifying. Eventually that took over all my creative expression. Anyways, here's some select works that I'm still proud of: This last one is pretty ancient, but I still think it's funny.
The moose was first to catch my eye, but your second to last image is blowing my mind. Would it be wrong to ask for oyu to elaborate on it somehow? I just want to know what sort of ideas, dynamics or motivations produced that scene.