dumbphone, here is a further examination of the Court's brazen indifference to all things non-Christian.
Yeah I really started looking at job opportunities in other countries more seriously after these decisions. I have daughters, and it would be unfair to keep them in a place where their vaginas are public property. Seriously, if I can transfer why stay? Bad healthcare, bad retirement, super expensive housing, the Kardashians... 'Murica has really gone to shit in the 35 years I've lived in it.
please do, anyone stupid enough to think this decision makes your underage daughter's vagina public property is someone I'd rather have living in another country. Edit: I feel like I should add: Anyone who thinks this site is somehow not as 'dumbed down' as reddit need only read over the response given by Adman707 to know stupid crops it's face up everywhere.
With regards to the Greece decision...isn't that clearly church and state being melded into one? I don't understand how that doesn't constitute favoring Christianity over other religions, unless of course they're saying prayers from other organized religions which they aren't. I don't think that intimidation or coercion is the point, and that Kennedy was willfully ignoring the fact that that shouldn't be happening under any circumstances at a public hearing. If they were starting with a Jewish or Islamic prayer I'm sure the ruling would have went a bit differently.
I think they are saying that if anybody from any other religion wanted to say prayers, then they could, so it is equal. If you would like to take a Hubski field trip I will say prayers from the Church of the Latter-Day Dude and you can pray to the FSM (or whatever diety you prefer).
I...guess that's the ultimate defense of free speech?
I suppose the Constitution does say "Congress shall make no law...". It says nothing of other, lower governmental bodies. This court certainly sees itself as the ultimate defenders of free expression. Unfortunately, they seem to have a proclivity for favoring the expression of the powerful against the meek.