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comment by havires
havires  ·  3840 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Does keeping your mouth shut make you weak?

    Militant feminazis post their hideous blogs to incite anger from both genders on their friends list. Then, they tag my school's Gender "Equality" (HA!) Club to cry misogyny, sexism, homophobia and "fuck you, ugly bastard cyber-bully!" at anyone who tries to tell them to calm down, or at least have some respect.

    Israelis share the Israeli Defense Force's facebook page that counts how many rockets are fired on Tel Aviv, and how "Arab cunt sand-niggers should suicide bomb themselves." When my two Syrian and Egyptian friends interject-- both the most incredible people to me who have helped me through the worst of times-- every Israeli on the East Coast shows up to yell anti-Semite and so on.

Thought defriend them and block 'em. Effectively silencing them from spewing their ignorant bullshit all over your Facebook, like some ignorant jizz torrent that cakes everything in it's sticky goop.

nowaypablo  ·  3839 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah I guess I could, except I can't block them from my reality :D

havires  ·  3839 days ago  ·  link  ·  

There are ways... Duct tape and zip ties plus a closet or basement... I don't mean to say anything illegal... Well not THAT illegal... Just leave them down there with enough food to survive and they're well off... Oh wait something like this (I think) happened with those two girls... Nevermind that's bad. BAD HAVIRES BAD!