Loved it in high school, never took it in college. It's very different, from what I've heard. When I learned it we had an excess of time, so we read all the great authors and poets. In college you speed through the first two mini-textbooks in one semester and unless you take a weird amount of electives (that may or may not even exist at your school) you probably won't get to a focused reading class. Also: I highly doubt there is anything like a conversational Latin class at any university you are likely to attend. It sometimes grates to have spent years learning a language and not really be able to speak it. I can (or used to be able to) read, write, decline, pronounce and even compose in a limited fashion, but I can't put sentences together on the fly. You just don't learn that. Sign up for French, I always wanted to speak that one.
Hm. I'll think about it, I also want to make as much use of the time I've put into French as I can, switching to Latin (if I can't take them alongside each other in college) could be a decisive waste of all my time with French. I mean either way, what's the point if I'm not going to learn to apply it by, you know, applying it. Communicating with others in real-world scenarios, otherwise it's useless.