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comment by mk
mk  ·  3729 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is the least fancy, clearest, most readable font in your opinion?

You might appreciate Sylfaen. It's in the neighborhood of Times New Roman, but looks more elegant in larger quantities.

If you are looking for a friendly MS sans serif, then Tahoma works. It is round, squat, and one of the easiest sans serif reads.

Trebuchet MS is what you would get if a Tahoma had a Comic Sans as a great-grandparent. It's serious enough for road signs, but isn't going to be found in court.

Futura is a sans serif masterpiece, but performs much better in print than on the screen. It would be perfect for a curriculum, IMHO. Unfortunately, you have to buy it, unless someone you knew in an online forum sent it to you.

longstocking  ·  3729 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I used Sylfaen in a game I made in the aesthetic of a story book and it's a great look. I second that one!