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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3729 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is the least fancy, clearest, most readable font in your opinion?

I was in love with Deja Vu Sans Mono for years. Nearly perfect for terminal and programming work, which is exactly what you'd expect from an open source typeface!

Eventually I moved to a tiny-screened netbook and developed an appreciation for pixel fonts, most notably Dina, which I believe is the pinnacle of programming-centric pixel fonts. Tewi and Gohu are also nice. Limey is good for smaller sizes.

At higher pixel densities I prefer Monaco now.

For a while I kind of fetishized geometric fonts, notably Century Gothic, Eagle, and Gotham, and slab serifs like Rockwell, but in practice they aren't so great. Georgia was fine for lower density pixel displays but Sentinel and Mercury are nicer with a bit more density.

For posters and signs I like to emulate Italian and Spanish artdeco lettering circa 1930s.

Now I pretty much just use stock Droid fonts as my main device is a tablet.