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comment by mknod
mknod  ·  3712 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Shoot First: Police tell Detroiters to buy guns

I really hate this. I understand that the police in Detroit are overworked underpaid and have a lot on their plate, but to advocate this seems like a weird sort of vigilantism.

Why doesn't he advocate instead for more officers, for more funding, for better organization within the department? Maybe he does, maybe when he does those stories don't catch headlines.

By the way after these comments the NRA gave the chief some press:


He says he's not affiliated with the NRA but it smells fishy. I've never heard of a police chief openly advocating for a community to arm itself before this one.

Further here is another quote:


"We're not advocating violence, we're advocates for not being victims"

What the fuck. When someone gets their house robbed, they are not responsible for "Being a victim". YOU are responsible to prevent or finding better ways to run your department so that when it DOES happen the victims are safe.

Hell  ·  3712 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Why doesn't he advocate instead for more officers, for more funding, for better organization within the department?

It's likely that will never happen, not at least until the fed steps in with bails of money. Finger pointing at an anemic police force and telling them they need to find better ways to run their department help nobody. For once, they are being honest about the most effective way people can protect themselves.

user-inactivated  ·  3712 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    For once, they are being honest about the most effective way people can protect themselves.

Did you read the article? Because the entire second half is about how ridiculously bad of a solution to the problem this is.

mknod  ·  3712 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Why wouldn't he advocate for Snyder and the rest of the government to help Detroit?

Detroit helps build the economies of several surrounding counties and they in turn help Detroit, it seems like asking for funding or organizational help from these counties would be a much better and cheaper solution than telling 700,000 to buy a gun.