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comment by organicAnt
organicAnt  ·  3690 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Thoughts on Hubski from a potential ex-redditor

    I'm curious who you think all of these "founders" all over Hubski are? :)

Founders is probably the wrong word (excuse my ESL), pioneers is probably more appropriate. You out of all people know what I mean ; )

My point was that newcomers, which might not quite fit the mould of Hubski's dominant core group, will have a hard time finding their place in here as the community isn't large enough yet to quickly absorb diversity of thought that falls outside of the already established community. This might be a symptom of all small social media sites, so no need to take it personally Hubski : )

mknod  ·  3690 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Nobody is taking it personally! That's fine that people might not find hubski as a place they want to hang out. There are lots of places online, it's not hurting anyone.

The biggest benefit of hubski is that it allows you to easily filter what things you want to participate in. hubski is also already VERY diverse with many different views.

Anyway just hang out, have fun, post things, lurk, message people, talk about your childhood, share some nostalgia, make up some poetry, listen to hip hop, watch comedy videos, keep up with the news, take a nap, take 10 naps, feel guilty, then eat pancakes, create tags, follow tags, unfollow tags, follow people, unfollow people, shift your brain, be wrong, be right, unshift your brain, do you like sports, take lots of chances, never drive safely if you find yourself alone, tell me about your day, make up a story, help someone make up their story, take a trip, do things you wouldn't normally do, put yourself in another person's shoes, listen to jazz, write some comedy, create some drama, do 12 push-ups but tell everyone you did 50, wander around your town and look for hubski stickers, put some hubski stickers around your town, make friends, make enemies to help you realize who your friends are, make friends with your enemies, throw away everything you ever knew and pretend it's your first time hearing it, listen to a record your dad used to listen to, make. yourself heard, make yourself quiet, get out of bed, read more, watch more TV, play more video games, watch more movies, have an uncomfortable conversation, drink in irc, pretend you are fancy, welcome to Hubski.

camarillobrillo  ·  3690 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Anyway just hang out... [...then eat pancakes...] ..., welcome to Hubski.
This oughta be a new sticker. A bit long but I couldn't describe my time here any better.
jaggs  ·  3689 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This gets my vote. :)