My understanding is that desalinization is extremely energy-intensive, but apparently my understanding is flawed.
LOL. Where the hell is this in the discussion? Some time ago, b_b and I designed a solar-powered desalinization rig. I have all the parts in my garage. Maybe I'll throw it together soon and post about it.Supplying all domestic water by sea water desalination would increase US Domestic energy consumption by around 10%, about the amount of energy used by domestic refrigerators[15]
It's as pure as evaporated water gets (which should be eminently drinkable). The basic premise is a personal use system that poor people in areas near the ocean could use. The waves push water in, and the sun dries it out. Simple. It's basically concentric clear plastic channels with some modifications for letting water in and out.
This is quite saucy, too, for those far from the coast:
If I'm not mistaken, one of the drawbacks of desalination is the toxicity of the highly concentrated crap that's left over. The world can only consume so much sea salt. Although I've never heard a good explanation as to why they can't dump the shit back into the ocean. Localized pockets of ultra salinity perhaps???