Chemtrails / Geo-Engineering is being used as Weapons of Mass Destruction on the American People.
Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped (The Zionists assassinated him with arsenic right after he published this video and in the media claimed it was cancer that killed him.):
Kristen Meghan an air force official blows the whistle on Chemtrails:
It is very clear that Chemtrails are only sprayed over the more populated areas in the United States, and not in the countryside where the population is low. Chemtrails were also sprayed over Hawaii, a group of remote islands in the Pacific, because a lot of people live there. If you city's population is over 90k look up in the sky and you will see unmarked jets leaving long chemical trails that disperse into chemical clouds that don't look like natural clouds.
Chemtrials started being sprayed on the American People after the following series of events. The owners of the “Federal Reserve” who are Zionists charge interest on the United States dollar notes they print for mere pennies, and now have stolen 500 trillion from the American People this way. They use some of this money to fund Chemtrails / Geo-Engineering and use it as a weapon of mass destruction on the American People.
Meteorologist explains & Decodes Chemtrails:
Chemtrails are used heaviest over populated areas in the Continent of North America, Europe, and Australia all which are members of the United Nations. The toxic ingredients in Chemtrails are metals Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, and now Fluoride. These Chemtrails spread out into metallic chemical clouds which poison the people, the Earth including the ozone layer. The Media and News which is controlled by the owners of the “Federal Reserve”, the Zionists, are censoring this information to stop the American People from knowing. (See the map below).
Geo-Engineering Activity Map:
The owners of the “Federal Reserve”, the Zionists, are intentionally using Chemtrails to create man made disasters by drying up the water in California causing a drought, and slowing down crop production (as shown in the videos below).
LIVE Updated Presentation - The Most Important Topic of Our Time - GeoEngineering & chemtrails:
The owners of the “Federal Reserve”, the Zionists, have a proven record of starting wars through false flag attacks, causing massive suffering and destruction worldwide, and are a foreigners who are not affiliated with any particular country but are dispersed throughout several, and have 500 trillion dollars that they are using to war countries against each other by funding both sides(See video below).
What You Need to Know About the NWO Agenda in 2014:
Many American People have talked to Iranians, and Iraqis that now live in the United States and found that the people in those countries love the American People, and that it is the owners of the “Federal Reserve”, the Zionists, are manipulating the media to make it seem otherwise.
Now these scumbags are controlling the weather of the American Weapon of Mass Destruction known as Chemtrails / Geo-Engineering, and should be charged with war crimes, since there goal is to reduce the population of the United States, and simultaneously make them neurologically deficient, sickly, get cancer and heart disease which Chemtrails cause, and are the largest killers in the United States.
Do Not Let Them Do It.
Aluminum causes neuro-degenerative effects and sickness, and with the addition of Fluoride, these effects are magnified exponentially. Flouride, which acts as a drug that depreciates one’s will, and has no medical use, is pumped into the water supplies in cities across the United States, some cities like Dallas, now prohibit it completely.
Since Chemtrails have begun to be sprayed, life expectancy in the United States dropped 8.3 years, the incidence of disease such a Autism, and Alzheimer’s had increased from 1/5000 to 1/50, and sterility in men, maternal death, and a new disease Morgellons appeared. Further, diabetes in children has increased, and has been shown to be linked to something in the environment that changed. (See the article below).
In U.S. youth, rate of diabetes is increasing; reason “something changed in environment”
The owners of the “Federal Reserve”, the Zionists, are psychopaths who desire to rule over a world of death and destruction they call the One World Order or Zion, and everyone else will be killed through population control and/or slaved. It is not possible to understand the mentality of the owners of the “Federal Reserve”, the Zionists, the only thing they desire is to cause death, destruction, and pain. This is their crystal clear motive, and they will stop at nothing to try to achieve it.
Many used to have faith in Obama, but Obama, being gullible, appointed individuals who are affiliated with the owners of the “Federal Reserve”, the Zionists, and now has lies being whispered in his ear by these “advisers”. For example, these “advisers” say “Let’s work on Climate Change, and Obama says “Ok, sounds helpful to the American People”, but Obama is no scientist he has no idea that they plan to dump tons of Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, Fluoride and other chemicals into the atmosphere, when simple natural sulfur based material works just as well. Further, these “advisers” say “Let’s work on Healthcare”, but Obama has no idea that the real reason is so the owners of the “Federal Reserve”, the Zionists, can keep tabs on weather their poisoning of the American People is working, and likely will force the American People, in mass, to be Inoculated with “vaccines”. The “Advisers” say “Let’s work on gun control”, but Obama has no idea that the owners of the “Federal Reserve” are aiming to disarm the American People so the U.N. can invade the United States.
Many people throughout history have said: “Never Let Anyone Get The Jump On You”.
Look at the magnitude of the jump that the owners of the “Federal Reserve”, the Zionists, have on the United States and the American People:
Total control of the weather, and now causing droughts in California, drying up water and crops, right now.
FEMA camps to contain the American People when they are impoverished, sickly and starving out in the street.
Ability to create economic bubbles and crash the economy at will, and crashing the economy in 2008, and wiping out much of the wealth of the American People.
Enacting laws making it legal for Americans to be killed on American Soil with drones, or anything else, and be detained indefinitely for any reason at all.
Enacting laws that make it illegal to sell truly organic food, and make it legal to GMO food unlabeled.
These laws have been locked into place after 9/11, which has been proven to be a false flag attack and an inside job.
Repeated proven false flag attacks, including 9/11.
Repeated attempts to take Our guns.
The owners of the “Federal Reserve”, the Zionists, using the 500 trillion that they stole, are paying off politicians, and funding corporations such as Monsanto, Haliburton, Military-Industrial Complex, and the Media, which are enabling them to implement their idea of a One World Order of death, destruction, pain, and slavery of the American People and the People of the World.
The time to fight hard is right now to turn the above things back, before the owners of the “Federal Reserve”, the Zionists, can get any further at all.