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comment by _refugee_
_refugee_  ·  3820 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Attachment Styles and Close Relationships (links to quiz)

Sidebar: TNG, I am usually not interested in and skeptical of personality tests and the like. I am maintaining some skepticism even of this. However, reading about my attachment style this afternoon has yielded some really interesting, potentially useful information. I'm not saying I'm going to change who I am or how I attach to people, certainly not completely - but I am saying that reading about this stuff has helped me feel as if, if I wanted to, I would be able to successfully communicate about some of my general negative relationship tendencies to someone who I cared about enough to want to make things work with. I would be able to recognize potential mis-steps and pitfalls and avoid or skirt them.

It is the difference between following a narrow path to somewhere; and some fog lifting, cross-roads becoming apparent, and even maybe now and then road signs. While I am still on the same path, now maybe I have a more complete map.

Also if KB is reading this and going "ATTACHMENT TYPES ARE SHIT POP PSYCHOLOGY" please c'mon in and pop my bubble now. :) Before I actually start trying to use this map or some shit. :D

This badge is fully deserved. I'm not saying this is life-changing but it is elucidating and it is helpful. Way more than I expected when I clicked the link and took the test just because eye roll why not.