Wow. I'm not a huge everything needs to be guarded by encryption guy. I like my encryption, but I don't need it for every message, nor do I even feel the need to have it for every device. But just out of principal, I might start now. What's really funny, is that the FBI can't control encryption, any more than the NSA can break it. As long as the user controls the private keys (assuming a key model is being used) and the user is using a modern cipher, there is nothing they can force google or apple to do. Legally of course, there is much murkier water, but from a technical perspective the FBI is showing their technologically illiterate hand.
You want to be really scared? You don't even need hardware. You simply have to have some code in either the compiler/linker for the software you are using. At some point we have to give up some trust mechanisms, because there really is no such thing as perfect security in software. Ken Thompson's Reflections on Trust is a good read on this if you are interested: