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doommaggot · 3758 days ago · link ·
So it would depend on the definition of coitus used. . Fun fact: Gay and lesbian sex counts as masturbation according to several dictionary definitions of coitus.
Cambridge dictionary:
. As for the second question, I'd totally sex myself.mas•tur•ba•tion (ˌmæs tərˈbeɪ ʃən)
1. the stimulation or manipulation of one's own genitals, esp. to orgasm.
2. the stimulation, by manual or other means exclusive of coitus, of another's genitals.
physical union of male and female genitalia accompanied by rhythmic movements
the sexual act in which a man puts his penis into a woman's vagina
coffeesp00ns · 3758 days ago · link ·
to quote flagamuffin, Obviously, the answer is: all of the above.