There is a secret government, which is criminal and consists of: The Federal Reserve, Big Banks, Big Corporations, the Military Industrial Complex and Oil Companies.
This secret government controls all economics and trade, organizes wars, and creates enemies for there continued existence.
Politics is just for show and Obama has a boss.
The mission is to take Global Control, and make everyone else slaves.
The Jews control the secret government, and the Media.
Stop the Jews before it is too late.
The Jews do this because they believe: "Even the best of the Goyim should all be killed." ->
This belief allows the Jews to operate with a totally clear conscience over several generations using the secret government and the Media to make everyone else slaves.
The Jews are extremely Anti-Goyim, yet at the same time are extremely opposed to any kind of Anti-Semitism at all.
The Deep State aka Secret Government is controlled by Zionist Jews that Obama appointed as Czars, who completely control all policy in their subject areas, and don’t have to answer to Congress or anyone but Obama.
Obama lets these Czars do whatever they want, and that means as Zionist Jews, their goal is to turn you into a person who has no rights and is a slave to the Jews.
Of course, these Czars are telling Obama to do all sorts of evil things.
Zionists Jew Czars implemented giving trillions to Zionist Jews during the Bailout, and also Chemtrails and Vaccines:
George Soros, a Zionist Jew, weaponized Ebola:
There are also many Zionist Jews in the Senate and House of Representatives, who have infiltrated.
Their goals are to force you to give up rights, like forcing you to take vaccines i.e. Ebola vaccine, which will sterilize you for population control.
The Jews must think the American people are suckers, we’re not.
As you can see it is time to get ALL Jews out of the government, because you cant’t tell if they are a Zionists Jew or not, until it is too late.
And above all, abolish the Federal Reserve Bank since it is only the Zionist Jews’ main method of stealing money from you to fund their evil ideas.
The Jews were the first ones who first took their ships as merchants to begin slave trading Blacks from Africa. This is why Blacks totally hate Jews.
Their Plan:
Jews in the Deep State Moving the Fortune 500 Corporations to China:
History of the Federal Reserve - A Century of Enslavement:
China and the New World Order:
All Wars Are Bankers Wars:
The Illuminati:
Secrets of Jewish Money Power:
Jews Are Psychopaths Because they Follow the Talmud
How to Know If You Are a Jew or Not: