It Is Time to Purge the Jews from the Government, the Deep State, and from control over Central Banking via the Federal Reserve and the IMF.
The steadfast belief and commandment of the Jew, CLEARLY stated in the Talmud, is for the Jew to kill the Goyim, it is this very PSYCHOPATHIC MENTALITY that the Jew brings along into any governmental position, and therefore NO JEW should have ANY position in a Goyim government at all.
The Jews in the Deep State including the Federal Reserve are the problem because of this PSYCHOPATHIC MENTALITY, which is that “Even the best of the Goyim should all be killed”, again this command is directly from the Talmud, which every Jew must follow. It is the core religious belief of every Jew, so everyone should expect the Jews to pursue such a core policy directly from within Our Government and the Federal Reserve.
They are doing it right now. Their policies have intentionally led to economic disasters, endless wars, and many, many deaths, in order to make themselves richer and everyone else their slaves.
It doesn’t matter what political party is dominant in Washington, the Jews remain in the Deep State. It is clearly time to purge them.
Anti-Semitism = Anti-Psychopathy and is required for Morality.
What they have already done:
Intentional economic disaster Make the US fight wars for Israel Police State Mass Incarceration Unlawful seizure of Private Property No freedom of speech Forced vaccination and Intentional pollution to cause sterility, disease, and mental degradation
Want to go live at a FEMA camp? They already have these in place for you and your family.
Their Plan:
History of the Federal Reserve - A Century of Enslavement:
China and the New World Order:
All Wars Are Bankers Wars:
The Illuminati:
Secrets of Jewish Money Power:
Are Jews the Psychopaths in the Deep State?
How to Know If You Are a Jew or Not: