The History and Plans of the Jew Private Owners of the Federal Reserve Bank Who Will Try to Start WW3. Or, The Rise of the Jew is the Biggest Threat We Face in the 21st Century.
Notice: The Jews will relentlessly try to obfuscate the following information by saying: "Its the Kazaars!", "Its the Russians!", "Its the Jesuits!", "Its the Zionists!", or "That is Anti-Semitic!", these are all things Jews will say to try to divert you from the Truth.
Yet, the Truth is that the Jew, by following the Talmud (the religious book ALL Jews MUST follow), acts psychopathic, because the Talmud clearly states: "Even the best of the Goyim should all be killed". Precepts of the Talmud:
Goyim means ANYONE who is NOT a Jew.
Let me be very clear, EVERY Jew steadfastly believes that ALL non-Jews should be killed. This right out of the Talmud, which is the primary Jew religious text. This is the ONLY reason why they are killing Palestinians in Gaza. Keep in mind that a Central Banker, Rothschild, bought the land from Great Britain, so that Israel could be created on it.
The Jews work over several generations to devolve, destabilize, and degrade the society ANY way they possibly can, while infiltrating positions of power, so that over time they might rule the entire World.
For this to happen, they need to take full control Media, Banking, and Government, and they have. They own all the mainstream Media, fully control banking with their private ownership of the Federal Reserve Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), and have infiltrated most important Governmental positions (i.e. Czars) by using the Jew lobby AIPAC for coercion and bribery of politicians, including Obama.
Jews intentionally degrade the society, making it easier to control, by ANY method that works, you already know about their poisoning of the: food (GMO - Monsanto causes health deterioration), water (fluoride causes brain damage), air (chemtrails synergize with fluoride causing brain damage), vaccines (mercury causes brain damage), education (common core for dumbing down students), outright lies (global warming lie), police state (bringing US police officers to train in Israel), reduction of human rights (brought about by false flags and government spying). A big part of their plan is to make society stupid, and the rest is to hold society under a Police State.
You can clearly see they are running our government because our government is doing exactly these things.
They do population control in Africa and India by using vaccines to cause sterility, after they release viruses to create a need for the vaccines. They intentionally spread viruses like Ebola (i.e. George Soros’s Ebola Lab), but since Ebola can wipe the Jews out as well, they mainly use it as a scare tactic to get more control over the society, except for Countries in Africa where there are not many Jews and they can use it for population control.
They use fear to control the society, to keep people preoccupied and distracted from discovering they are intentionally degrading society in these ways.
They use “terrorist threat”, and “global warming” which are lies they manufactured to invoke fear to get people to give up their Constitutional Rights.
They start wars between countries and by lending money to both sides, make huge profits, Israel did the 9/11 false flag to start the never-ending Middle Eastern wars.
As the Talmud tells them to do, the Jews do these things over generations, so that over time, the accumulated societal devolvement they cause might allow them to rule the entire World. They implement and organize the above tactics using the Council of Foreign Relations(CFR) and the United Nations(UN).
Their center point of control over society is the Federal Reserve Bank and Central Banking, and right now they are trying to set up a One World Currency to control currency on a global scale, which they would like to eventually control from China.
But first, they have to destroy any countries in the way, and that means they will attempt to ignite WW3 between US and Russia as a move to destroy the US and Russia, so that Communist China can become their haven from which to rule the New World Order. Communism is their preferred method of control by government.
Their religious book the Talmud tells them to devolve the Goyim (those who are not Jews) in order to rule the World, and they hold a meeting called Bilderberg Conference every year to plan this.
Jews plan societal “movements” in order to devolve and deprave the society, by lying in the Media and saying it is for the good of society, when in truth it is not. They often use faked science to support these movements. Some examples of such “movements” are: Need for a Central Bank, Global Warming agenda, Agenda 21, Common Core, Population Control arising from Resource Scarcity, and Sexual Rights for Children. They clearly are psychopaths.
Here is how this stuff works:
The Federal Reserve is PRIVATELY owned by Jews and prints money out of thin air then "lends" it to the US government at interest which gets charged to the working man's taxes. This taxation is then used to line the pockets of the Jew private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank, to the tune of 84 billion in profit a year, yet the Federal Reserve is listed as a not for profit, and pays no taxes at all. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was a scheme and was snuck through congress by Jews on Christmas Eve, when no one else was there. The existence of the Federal Reserve Bank is not Constitutional and is a Jewish scam to funnel money from the American Working man.
The Jew private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank are attempting to go to a World Currency that they control, doing the same but on a world scale, to make everyone else slaves.
The Jew private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank have perpetrated war after war so they could make money by lending to both sides, and also assassinated JFK, and Lincoln when they tried to introduce backed money. Further, the Jews start wars with every country that stops using the counterfeit money it prints.
Further, the Jew private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank used Israel to do 9/11, so that a war could be started with Saddam in Iraq, because he stopped using the Federal Reserve's Counterfeit money.
Now in 2014, the Jew private bankers are attempting to start WW3 with Russia because Russia quit using the Federal Reserve's Counterfeit money, possibly by having Israel false flag nuke the US, like they did in 9/11, and say Russia did it, then the Jew private owners of the Federal Reserve will trick the US into nuking Russia starting WW3.
The Jew owners of the Federal Reserve may try to set up a puppet government in Iran so that nukes can be aimed at Russia from Iran, this is why they are attacking Syria right now.
But the idea is to get the US and Russia to blow each other off the map.
Even though it seems on the surface that the US is against China, behind the scenes the Jews that privately own the Federal Reserve Bank have made secret deals with China under the surface.
The model of the New World Order that the Jew private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank want to achieve is to set themselves up in China as, in effect, owners of privileged corporations protected by a hybrid style Communism, and sparking WW3 to destroy the US and Russia.
The Jew private owners of the Federal Reserve have already made deals with the Chinese Government and right now are relocating the Research and Development arms of all the US Fortune 500 companies to China as their main location, fuzing them into China’s Communist system and creating a hybrid Communism that will give exclusive capitalist privileges to them only.
With the Research and Development arms, which are the most important parts of any corporation safely relocated to China and the disposable paperwork / service jobs the only ones left in the US, the Jew private owners of the Federal Reserve will spark WW3 with Russia. George Soros one of the Jews is already trying to scare people about Putin and Russia with statements being put into the Jew controlled media.
The Jew private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank will set it up so that the US and Russia go to war with each other, destroying each other, and not China.
With the US and Russia out of the way, the New World Order will be solidified as Jew private owners of banking and corporations ruling the World out of China.
This means, in the New World Order, the common man will NOT be allowed to use Capitalism to start businesses, but will be a complete slave to these privileged corporations and forced to eat their food and products under Communist Rule. Also, most people will be executed.
Right now, the Jew private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank who are lining this up don’t even live in the US, they are foreigners hiding elsewhere puling the strings.
Immediately eliminate the tool that is giving these Jew private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank thier power, that means abolish the Federal Reserve Bank before any more damage is done.
They use the Federal Reserve Central Bank as the central point to manipulate currencies around the world to purposely cause economic crashes and ruin contries to enrich themselves to the extreme by criminal means, and then use this money to bribe politicians and buy the appointements of Jews into the most important Governemental positions in Congress and the Deep State. The Jews that privately own the Federal Reserve Bank have been controlling the US government by bribery and infiltration since 1913.
Obama can Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank by Executive Order right now, and the Republicans in Congress will back him up.
Remember that the members of Congress have children, grandchildren, and family, do they really want the Jew private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank to purposely start WW3?
There is substantial evidence that Chicago will be false flag nuked in 2015, uncovered in emails by a Romanian hacker who hacked Jews emails accounts.
Immediately abolish the Federal Reserve Bank or its Jew private owners will have a reason to start WW3!!!
Jews in the Deep State Moving the Fortune 500 Corporations to China:
History of the Federal Reserve - A Century of Enslavement:
China and the New World Order:
All Wars Are Bankers Wars:
The Illuminati:
Secrets of Jewish Money Power:
Are Jews the Psychopaths in the Deep State?
Jews Are Psychopaths Because they Follow the Talmud
How to Know If You Are a Jew or Not: