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comment by nowaypablo
nowaypablo  ·  3623 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Myth of Sysiphus

Am I right in saying this is drawing the parallel between ol' Sis in the first slide, and us in the second?

also, dat v-taper

rob05c  ·  3623 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    this is drawing the parallel between ol' Sis in the first slide, and us in the second

Sounds about right.

Gamification is intriguing. People (myself included) will do boring stuff for hours if you give them meaningless progress indicators.

    he looks inside himself for a way to free his mind from the punishment

Maybe that's another way of thinking about the moral: a key to happiness is making your own "progress indicators."

    the constant need to make more and more and more money

Speaking from experience: money isn't worth it. Things won't make you happy. If you insist on workaholism, I suggest learning instead. Keep learning to excel in your field. It's a lot more fulfilling than just climbing the ladder. And brings more than enough money with it anyway, if you're in a STEM field.

Also: I don't recommend workaholism.