Ultimately, the Jew is attempting to engineer a One World Government governed by the Jew, where everyone else are slaves.
Sovereign nations, and States Rights, are needed as a powerful check against such abuse of power. Under a One World Government such checks on the abuse of power would not be possible. One World Government is clearly not the answer. The US States should take back their Rights from the Federal Government.
One World Government would be an extremely harsh Jew Governed Communism, just like what is currently being done to the Palestinians by the Jew / Israel today.
The Jew believes "Even the best of the Goyim should all be killed" this is right from the Talmud, which is the religious book all Jews MUST follow to even be a Jew. This is why the Jew kills the Palestinian. Goyim means ALL non-Jews.
The Jew would run a One World Government using this very belief.
Therefore, all the Goyim (non-Jews) would be executed, or enslaved, under a One Word Government, just as the Palestinians are being executed by the Jew right now.
Only the Jew can put together a One World Government, and they would obviously govern the Goyim by Communism, but the Jew would be the slave owner of Goyim.
Here is why it would be the Jew that would rule a One World Government:
The Jew Owners of the Federal Reserve Banking Corporation and Central Banking stole all the gold through embezzlement.
They infiltrated the top levels of the US Government, and have a huge influence in Chinese government, achieving China's protection of Jew owned global corporations now re-located to China.
The Jew is international in scope, and already operates under a miniature One World Government based on Israel. If achieved, the Jew wants to relocate the base of the full on One World Government to China.
All the Jew needs to do is start WW3 to wipe out the US and Russia, and then, in effect, rule Chinese Communism using these wealthy Jew owned corporations' money to bribe Chinese officials, the same way the Jew is currently doing in the US using the Federal Reserve Central Banking Corporation.
Over generations, the Jew has intentionally corroded the health, wealth, and intelligence of the American people (historically, Germany and Russia), by purposely and systematically tearing down all the Goyim as the way to cause the Jew to be superior.
For example, the Jew knows that by printing endless amounts of money, giving it to the US Government, and charging interest on it, the Government can ignore cultivating manufacturing jobs in the US. Historically, the Jew already intentionally did this to ruin other countries and succeeded.
This is because the Government won’t need tax revenue from the creation of well paying manufacturing jobs when the Jew Owned Federal Reserve Banking Corporation can print endless amounts of unbacked counterfeit money, give it to the government, and charge the interest on it to many future generations of Americans.
The only thing “propping up” this counterfeit money are the wars by the US against any country that doesn’t want to use it in international commerce anymore. i.e. Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Russia.
When the Jew bribed Nixon to remove all gold backing from this counterfeit currency in 1971, the Jew was successful in forcing the US to make a deal with the Middle East OPEC countries, such that those countries sell oil only in the Federal Reserve Bank’s counterfeit currency, in return, they would get US military protection. The Jew created ISIS so that the OPEC countries would need protection, since the world is stable and there are no wars, except for the wars that the Jew manufactures to force the world to use the the Federal Reserve Central Banking Corporation’s counterfeit money.
The Jew is starting WW3 right before your eyes. The US city that Jews quickly exit from, just as all Jews were absent from work in the Twin Towers on 9/11, will be where the Jew will set off the nuclear false flag, just like the Jew did 9/11.
The Jew first started the slave trade of blacks out of Africa, that is why blacks hate Jews so much.
The Jew scripted the Ferguson riots to try to get Americans to believe blacks should be treated as the “Palestinians” of America.
The Jew trains American police in Israel, that is why police are psychopathically killing now. The Jew trains American police in Israel, the effect of this is seen in Ferguson, you’e the Palestinian now.
The Jew kills the Palestinians, and will kill you next.
The Jew owns the Federal Reserve Central Banking Corporation, the US Government, and the Media.
The Jew has you surrounded.
The Jew has already crushed the middle class, and along with it, the intelligence that dissent arises from.
To stop the Jew completely, simply abolish the Jew Owned Federal Reserve Central Banking Corporation and use a National Bank that uses backed currency.
Use State Rights to bolster State Economies using State Banks and State Backed currencies.
Never accept a World currency the Jews control, because it will let the Jew get closer to a One World Government where you will be the slave, much, much, much worse than you are now.
Remove all the Jews from ALL positions in Government.
Abolish the Jew Lobby, AIPAC, which is used to by the Jew to bribe ALL politicians.
Never view the Jew Owned Mainstream Media, only view alternative media, like rt.com.
The above proved in detail: http://hubski.com/pub?id=190825