The Jews are a parasitic group that purposely subjugates the Human Rights of non-Jews to fulfill the idea from the Talmud that, worldwide, non-Jews are the slaves of the Jews.
The Jews own and control the US government, US banking, US media, and Hollywood.
Now: Jews infiltrated the government to intentionally destroy the US and elevate China. Economy still crashed from 2008. 9/11 lies. Government spying. Jew Owned Federal Reserve charging interest on counterfeit money to the taxpayer Sending US money to Israel, and charging it to the taxpayer Trying to take guns Police state More wars No good jobs, only low paying jobs Huge number of people on welfare programs Taxes high People real dumb Obama coerced, and working for his Jew higher-ups: Jews intentionally degrading the health and intelligence of non-jews with poison in: food, water, air, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, dumbing down education with common-core. Have FEMA, coffins, FEMA trains, guns and ammo all ready
Future: Again, crash the economy in 2015 by overextension in the futures market Race War Ebola No one working No food in the stores Prices skyrocketed US police trained in Israel executing people Military all over the place Gun confiscation Power Grid failures Jew led Nuclear False Flag in the US WW3
Jews Nuclear False Flag
Jews Crash the US Economy Over an Over Again
Jews Starting Race War to Confiscate Guns
Jews Took Over
Jews setting up a One World Government