By order of the Talmud, we’re under attack by the JEWs (Jews Exploiting the World), this is 100% clear. Any belief otherwise is simply pure stupidity. JEWs own the Media, the Banking, the Corporations, and using bribery, Congress and the Pres., are using this ownership to create a One World Government.
(James Traficant, the Congressman in this video, was killed by the JEWs)
Yes, David Icke’s “12ft. Lizards” analogy is definitely a code word for JEWs, he is saying the truth with code. He has to use code or he would be called “anti-semitic”.
The JEWs are using the following WEAPONS to attack you right now in the present:
The Federal Reserve Bank - Privately owned by the JEWs, and gives them full control over the US economy. They are intentionally, by the endless printing of money, using it to undermine the US economy, destroy the Middle Class, and turn the populace of America into tax slaves, because the money they print must all be paid back with interest. Also, the JEWs have intentionally presently leveraged very risky derivative trades, full well knowing that they will fail, so they can take all the money you have in the bank. This new robbery attempt was just signed into Law by Congress, and the President, which the JEWs completely control through bribery.
Chemtrails - The JEWs are using Chemtrails to purposely cause global warming, so that they can use the threat of “Global Warming” to force people to do certain things, under the guise of stopping “Global Warming”. For instance, you will be forced to stop commuting, you will be forced to move to a city and ride a bike to work. You will be forced to use certain products, that are falsely claimed to have a “low carbon footprint”. Everything you do will be controlled under the concept of “low carbon footprint”. You will also be taxed, based on your “carbon footprint”. Chemtrails also contain Aluminum nano-particles, which are meant to make you dumb and deteriorate your health, these particles go directly to the brain and attack working memory, and attack lung and heart health. Over the last few years, do you feel like you keep forgetting things you just thought of? Well, that’s because your working memory is being attacked. Stupid, brainless people are easier for the JEWs to control, so this attack is central to their plan, right along with the Fluoride in the water. The JEWs are desperately trying to hide their Chemtrailing(operation Cloverleaf), the most secretive operation in the history of mankind, using lies and misinformation. Further, the Aluminum in Chemtrails destroys the soil, and Monsanto has already gained patents for GMO crops that can live specifically in Aluminum ridden soil.
Unchecked Immigration - The JEWs want to dilute American intelligence with foreigners who can easily be swayed by propaganda and caused to vote in the ways the JEWS want. These foreigners know nothing of American history and are completely ignorant, they only really want the Welfare check they are going to get immediately after immigrating to the US, and will stay on that Welfare for their lifetime. These immigrants, who have bad English and are way behind in education, enter the school systems and have no intention of learning, so they disrupt the normal learning and behavior patterns of Middle Class students, this causes the Middle Class students to get a dumbed down education. The JEWs are intentionally setting this up to keep students dumbed down.
Common Core - The JEWs have hijacked the education system with Common Core, which is meant to dumb down education by keeping students busy doing busy work and no real learning. It is clearly meant to keep students from progressing in math knowledge. Poorly educated people are easier for the JEWs to control and subjugate.
Militarization of Police - The JEWs are training US Police in Israel. NYPD just opened a branch in Israel to be used for training cops. People fearful of the police are easier for the JEWs to control and subjugate.
False Flags - The JEWs have pulled off several False Flags already, Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, Ferguson, and most importantly 9/11. The JEWs use false flags to get the general retarded public to go along with whatever it is they are trying to sell, i.e. Want Gun Control?, just use Sandy Hook false flag. Want to attack countries in the Middle East?, just use 9/11 false flag….etc
Main Stream Media - There is no Main Stream Media that the JEWs don’t own. 4 JEW owned corporations own all the MSM (Main Stream Media). This allows the JEWs to hide all the important information from you, and spread propaganda and lies. For instance, the information in this post, you aren’t allowed to know about. Uninformed people are more susceptible to propaganda, and are easier for the JEWs to control and subjugate.
Of course, the end goal of the JEWs is to create so much chaos using all the things mentioned above, that you beg to have your Human Rights taken away, and beg for a One World Government that the JEWs are the Rulers of, and where all non-Jews are slaves to the JEWs. This is because JEWs religious book, the Talmud, 100% tells the JEWs that they are superior to non-Jews and that the non-Jews are to be used as slaves.
In fact it says: “Even the best of the Goyim (non-Jews) should all be killed”.
Here are the ways to stop the JEWs (Jews Exploiting the World):
Step 1: Abolish the JEWs privately owned Federal Reserve Central Bank ND use a National Currency instead of the JEWS Federal Reserve counterfeit currency. The JEWs Federal Reserve Bank is the leader of all banks and Central banks, this is where the JEWs get all the money to do the above attacks. The JEWs just print more money for themselves out of thin air and use it to bribe the Congress and the President, so they can continue all the above attacks.
Step 2: Remove all JEWs from government positions at all levels of Government: Bureaucracy, Federal, State, Local, and Judgeships in Courts, and also completely remove the JEW lobby AIPAC, which the JEWs use to coerce and bribe Congress and the President.
Step 3: Keep the JEWs out forever more, never forget what the JEWs have done. Most importantly, that the JEWs did 9/11, and the hence, killed 60,000 Americans in the wars they pretexted with their 9/11 False Flag.
Step 4: Turn off the JEWs lies and propaganda by never watching Main Stream Media again, get all your news from and other alternative media delivered on the internet.
Can you sit back and watch as the JEWs kill 60,000 Americans and then laugh about it, and mock the US in Israeli newspapers with cartoons that show the JEWs flat out doing 9/11?
Of course, these are only some of the chaos causing attacks being carried out by the JEWs, there are several more, including the fact that the JEWs used their ownership of the Media to cause everyone to believe HIV causes AIDS, when It doesn’t. AZT, the treatment, causes AIDS, and HIV is actually a harmless passenger virus and nothing more. If this is mind-blowing to you, just look up “Dr. Robert Willner”, who proved this, and exposed this JEW lie. He was killed 4 months later by the JEWs.
Also, JFK was killed by the JEWs, because he exposed them and introduced a National Currency into circulation in the money supply and, in effect, made the JEW privately owned Federal Reserve Bank irrelevant. After the JEWs killed JFK, they revoked this National Currency JFK had created.
Here is what the JEWs believe:
“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own.” – Maurice Samuel ‘You Gentiles’, P. l55 Harcourt, Brace. 1924
“You have not begun to appreciate the depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not merely the latest great war, but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone.” – Marclis Eli Ravage, Century Magazine February, 1926
“We Jews, who have posed as Saviors of the World, we are today nothing else but the world’s seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners.” – Oscar Levy
Judging from this, it is clear ignorance to say the JEWs aren’t using the attacks listed above, funded by the money they steal from you using their bank, the Federal Reserve, to pretext a One World Government to enslave the rest of Humanity. It also clearly shows why JEWs are shooting 5yr old Palestinians in the face at point blank range.