Oh my god... you should have seen me when I was 11/12.
I think it was like 120 messages I sent to a girl I liked while she was ignoring me(It was on Skype so she did get them just no response.) Her friend had to tell me to shut up because something extremely cringey I said crossed the line. Is there a version for Twitter? if not I'm definitely making one, this would be great for me.
Oh lord you poor soul. This is how the Internet makes it worse for people learning the social ropes in their pre- and adolescence. It used to be so much harder to contact someone. You could use a landline and call someone, leaving a message on the family machine or with the family, or you could use the actual Mail, or you could see them in person. Time hop covers all social media platforms I can imagine.
It doesn't - I think. I mean everyone does it. I am/was a wallflower but since we all followed each other on facebook I would occasionally have really passionate and honest conversations with them when I/them felt like it. We did that - oh, you think that is bad - I once... That can be very liberating in small amounts.
arguewithatree and I talk about how unendingly grateful we are for not having the internet so much when we were kids. The idea of having to see the things we said and did permanently there, reminding us of our stupidity. Especially youtube and complete ubiquity of cameras and video. I mean, I think the oldest thing I would have would be IRC logs from when I was ~13. Fuck, I didn't even have a cell phone until high school.
Oh, it's a iOS/Android app. My iPod 4th gen is still using iOS 4, updating it means I need to find that mystical substance my ancestors spoke of, "Effort" I think it was called. I might mess around with Twitter4j's library just to log every tweet without mentions I send and then DM me it when it's a year old
Shameful admittance time - I've had the same fanfiction account since I was I think 11? It is a really nice place to learn writing. Now I have an story around 11,000 words that 100 people have read the whole way through.