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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3641 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: January 14, 2015

Pub(?) Music:

Yesterday I realized I've reached a new level of zen. Nothing really upsets me anymore, or at least it takes a whole lot to really grind my gears. I have been told that this is because I'm "conflict avoidant", which I guess is true, but I don't see why that's a bad thing. The lady in front of me in line at Old Chicago was going nuts about her Goddamn blu cheese and where it's supposed to be on her burger - you don't understand everyone, it needs to be on the side, not on top, till she drove the to-go employee there to tears. She had to go take a moment and everything.

I mean holy shit people, we're all going to die someday, you know that? Is this what you're gonna remember on your deathbed? "BITCH DIDN'T GIVE ME THE BLU CHEESE RIGHT, COUGH COUGH dies."

It was weird. I've just stopped sweating the small stuff, I guess. It doesn't really seem worth it.

Bigger stuff: complete ambivalence towards school. I dunno if it was the weather or what, but holy crap did I just feel super jaded these first two days of classes. "These are all just a checklist to get my degree." No excitement, no passion, nothing. I might go see that counselor again. We've built a pretty good rapport.

Oh well. At least it's sunnier today.

OftenBen  ·  3641 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I've just stopped sweating the small stuff, I guess. It doesn't really seem worth it.

Testify. Welcome to the church of not giving a fuck. Other people have problems, they aren't my problems.

I have three 400 level classes this semester, I had three of them last semester. I'm used to a certain high level of data, analysis and discussion. To fill in a university requirement in this, my last semester, I have to take a freshman psychology class called 'the psychology of personality.' Just going over the syllabus, we're going to talk about Maslow, Myers-Briggs personality testing, and a brief stint with Freud and Jung. All of which are topics I've been beating to death fairly regularly since senior year of high school. Wheeeeeeeee.

Personally, if I can't get excited about a class I make excellence in grade my goal. That teacher I had problems with all last semester? 4.0'ed that bitch.

lil  ·  3641 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I have a hate-on for Myers-Briggs for a whole lot of reasons, but mostly because of this - an article by Malcom Gladwell (who himself might cause ambivalence in some hubbies) that tells about who Myers and Briggs were and how they made up their data. Please let me know what you think. I have other problems with M-B too. Anyway, congrats on your 4.0.

kleinbl00  ·  3640 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The fact that Match.com goes for parity on M-B while eHarmony goes for opposition tells you all you need to know about Meyers Briggs.

OftenBen  ·  3641 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks! I actually 4.0'ed the whole semester except for a single 3.5, which is my highest GPA semester since I started uni.

I don't know how to feel about the M-B. Someone very close to me got a lot out of taking a few of the tests, and reading about things that 'my type' likes/dislikes, finds comforting, struggles with, that kind of stuff. If it's had a net positive impact, as far as I can see, I find it hard to devalue it completely. (I'm an ENTJ, The Executive)

lil  ·  3640 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Anything that helps us understand ourselves and others can be interesting. My problem is people have used it as an excuse: I can't help it - I'm xyz - or whatever. That's not the point of mb. The point is to find out that people might be different from you and learn skills to accept them, understand them, and communicate with them (if you need to be on their team, or have them for in-laws, say). My other problem with mb is more pedagogical - as in -- what is the best way to teach people to be good communicators? Should we spend our few classroom moments making them do an mb test or actually teach them skills they can use when they are communicating.

oh Jesus, and those tests: Would you rather go for a walk in the forest or go to a party? Sometimes, a walk in the forest replenishes the spirit, sometimes a party.

lil  ·  3640 days ago  ·  link  ·  

hey 8bit I hope you find the right program, mentor, education, life, career, and all. I have a feeling that you have a lot of amazingness to give the world to make it a better place if the world doesn't drive the amazingness out of you first.

the soundtrack to this conversation is gorgeous: 03: Hills of Radiant Wind (9'00) and 04: Snow in Summer....

user-inactivated  ·  3640 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks. And yeah, the Nier soundtrack is pretty amazing. I like the non-piano versions as well.