Tonight is good for me too. thundara and Monday is the usual day -- I suspect 10:00 - midnight p.m. EST which is 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. PST and somewhere in between for eightbitsamurai sounds ok -- people can pop by after the kids are fed and asleep, or if there are no kids after whatever they were supposed to do is done. anyone have a relevant current topic?
I too can do Monday. No relevant current topic I can think of. Oh, maybe Productivity/Motivation. demure and galen are two ridiculously productive people. Dendrophobe and I can have trouble being productive/motivated. What have you done that you would consider productive? What does productivity mean to you? How do you stay motivated? Stuff like that. I could just be shooting ideas into the wind.
lol Seriously though, that sounds like a great topic. On a similar note, I just stumbled on this article:
ridiculously productive