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comment by cojoco
cojoco  ·  4613 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Priori Reasoning, Mathematics, and those Goddamn Reddit Atheists
There's another side to this statement, which is that most things that we know in the world can't actually be proven with mathematics.

Even evolution, a poster child for the science vs. religion debate, has very little mathematics in it.

Evolution boils down to a story which has a lot of confirming anecdotes.

I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with science done in this way, just that mathematics is not a good basis for all knowledge.

JakobVirgil  ·  4613 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Not an argument against you sentiment but a against your example. To me Evolution is very mathematical. Natural selection can be viewed as a heuristic solver for n-dimensional min max problems. I think the thing most matholators stumble on is that they believe
    everything is explainable by math
is equivalent to
    everything is explainable by my math