I did notice the "retweet" option. I can't figure out if medium is actually shit or just trying too hard to be shit. Occasionally something pops up worth looking at though, if only in derision for some. Frankly, this is the opinion i figured you would have - and one that, while I enjoy Hank Green's content, is one that I generally hold myself. I will admit that I should have but didn't think about Google's donations to the Democratic party as a defining element. $1.5 Million, though? is that all it takes to get private audiences with the president? That seems like chump change compared to what the Koch brothers are going to be spending on this next election ($889 million, i believe is the quoted number). There's got to be more going on there. I do think that Green has a point that whatever point he and the other two youtubers had was completely lost in the mainstream discussion of whether or not they should have been there, or been allowed to do it. The gaping hole in that line of thought is that they Didn't have a point or reason to be there, and whether it was conscious or not on the part of the participants this had nothing to do with actual public engagement. This was of course a 100% political move for the Democratic party, played to make themselves look young, hip, and (most importantly) open to tough questions from real people, not those "rich folks". It's 95% sham, to be generous, but at least they're trying i guess.
I want to ask you about this: what happened?Obama, in 2008, was an incredibly accessible person, quick witted, easy to get along with, a consummate communicator. He's been in front of the public more than any other president in history.
I'M on phone so this will be brief and typo-laden. The controversy is not about whether Green and his ilk "deserve" to be there, the controversy is whether they "deserve" to be there as journalists. Again: Obama is a very accessible president. What you see as shown to the press corps is very different than what you see elsewhere... And with GWB or Clinton, the press corps was all you got. So talking to Youtubers? No big. Talking to Youtubers instead of journalists? Outrage. Then to have the Tubers (i like that better; there's an appropriate William Gibson quote) argue the outrage is jealousy? Yeah, the results are entirely predictable. Look: I hate tubers. I hate them because they exist solely to say "look at me!" They are the very purest of attention whores, and considering the wages of attention- whoredom are so grindingly low, a successful attention whore is either funded by his parents or a shameless self-debaser. Either way, they're scum. But largely harmless scum. The great thing about tubers is outside their carefully tended beds of manure they're just like any other vegetable... Wash'em off and throw 'em in the soup. This whole article is about a human potato thinking he's a journalist when in fact, sometimes a potato is exactly what' s needed.