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comment by coffeesp00ns
coffeesp00ns  ·  3546 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: There Is No Humane Way to Execute Criminals

I've never really understood the idea of the Death Penalty being some ultimate punishment. I mean, what better way to get out of doing a life sentence than to be killed so you don't have to suffer it?

Isn't it more torturous to keep someone alive as long as possible, away from the society which we crave as a species? As a side note, this is also why I need to make sure i have a DNR if I ever get cancer, or lose one of my arms.

I've said this a few time around the web, but when someone asks "What is the point of prison?" there are usually two answers: Punishment and Rehabilitation. If you're in for rehabilitation (as I generally am), then you're probably against the death penalty. If you're in for punishment, why cut the "punishment" short?

Some of the most gruesome torture scenes we see in horror movies are the ones where we ask "How is that person still alive?" At some level, we culturally see death as a release, regardless of whether or not we see judgement on the other side.

So... How does the death penalty fit into that? My only thought is that it is not punishment, it is vengeance. But then, it's not even very good vengeance - Who opts for short term, quick vengeance when long term, slow vengeance will be "better" (in quotations because i don't know if you can consider it better from a moral standpoint, or just more effective)

acyclicks  ·  3546 days ago  ·  link  ·  

A third answer might be Quarantine, and certainly death is the ultimate quarantine. I could see it giving a victim some peace of mind to know for sure that an assailant isn't coming back.

Death might also be more acutely threatening than captivity as a consequence of a crime. I'm not even sure which I would pick to suffer if given the choice.

coffeesp00ns  ·  3546 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That's an interesting answer. I would still personally classify it under punishment, because you are removing someone's right to free movement etc. but i think that's a topic of another, separate debate.

I think death only becomes acutely threatening if there is something after it. Because i don't believe that, The only part of death i fear is the pain during the killing act. Because it is the pain I fear, the concept of years, decades of long, drawn out pain is much, much better as a deterrent.

acyclicks  ·  3546 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I agree that even if you considered the point of prison to be quarantine, it would still be a punishment. However, if your goal is quarantine rather than punishment, you don't need to choose the solution that maximizes suffering.

I disagree that death is only acutely threatening if there is something after it. It depends very much on how highly you value your remaining lifespan. Right now, I'm enjoying life, and I'd be more disappointed about my reduced lifespan than afraid of the transition. This is actually pretty new to me; l I feel like I understand where you're coming from. Not sure what else to say about that. Feelings of solidarity and respect.

It's not even clear to me that a life sentence in prison would necessarily be a net negative. I'm sure there would be some suffering, but hedonic adaptation would have your back, and I hear some people get to read a lot.