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comment by acyclicks
acyclicks  ·  3534 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Concealed Carry’s Body Count - NYTimes.com

I'm not sure what to make of these numbers. It comes out to less than 100 per year. There were 26 lightning deaths in the US in 2011, a record low. I understand it's only a partial survey, but I have no concept of what fraction of deaths are included, and the lower bound they present doesn't impress me.

It also seems disingenuous to include suicides in the top-level figure. Even if you believe gun control is a good way to improve quality of life for the suicidal, concealed carry is completely extraneous.

edit: I previously wrote "less than 10 per year". 100 per year is a little more impressive.