The more things change... It occurred to me reading this that we've overthrown Greece before, we could do it again. Operation Gladio All the economic theorists keep talking about this as if the choices are force Greece to accept austerity or watch the Euro collapse. A coup in Greece would accomplish whatever goals the EU wants it to accomplish. It would also send exactly the signal they want the anti-austerity parties of Spain, Italy and Portugal to take away from all this: keep it up and we'll replace your government with one of our choosing. Must be Monday, I'm feeling cynical.Phillips Talbot, the US ambassador in Athens, disapproved of the military coup which established the "Regime of the Colonels" (1967–1974), complaining that it represented "a rape of democracy" – to which Jack Maury, the CIA chief of station in Athens, answered: "How can you rape a whore?"
So I've just started reading a collection of Tony Judt essays that date from the mid 90s. It's very interesting to get his foresight on this issue. He predicted that as the EU expanded eastward and southward, that it would inevitably face an existential crisis. He basis this on the fact that even at that time, the only countries that provided more financial support to the EU than they received were Germany, Britain, France and the Netherlands (maybe one or two more, Belgium perhaps, don't have the book in front of me, but suffice it to say they were all from the north), while Spain, Italy, Greece, et al, were perennial charity cases. He asks how this can be sustained when the Soviet bloc is integrated, as was beginning to happen at that time. He goes on to predict that Germany, against its own better judgement, will become the hegemon in Europe once again. Quite prescient, although it turns out that current 1990s members are the calamitous ones, and not the bloc countries. I think a direct coup is unlikely. It would be too obvious in this day and age, and it would be difficult to get most countries to recognize the new government. I think it's more likely that a shadow coup could take place, in which the European court somehow neutralizes any and all decisions made by the Greeks with regard to international finance. I think EU would prefer a castration to a beheading.
That's quite brilliant of Judt. I can't figure out why the EU wants to expand so much to begin with. I guess having buffer states is nice, but only if you can sustain the equilibrium. It mightn't be a bad idea to let the Soviets re-overreach.