I just need to let you know that this analogy is amazing.It is safe to say that in her 64 square foot kitchen there is approximately three cubic feet of chocolate interspersed through it like marbling in a steak.
Her kitchen is amazing. She's a 5 on the hoarder scale, yet positively fastidious. For reasons I've never truly understood, they refuse to pay for garbage service, which means they pretty much polish their refuse because it's gotta sit until they feel like making a dump run. So there are lots of boxes of cans and things everywhere, as well as a lifetime's accumulation of coffee mugs &c. There is also no dishwasher and a lack of cabinet space so every square inch has something on it - all of it clean, all of it tidy, all of it organized by a not-entirely-human-parsable method. And every fourth item is chocolate.