Part of that last update was an effort in that direction. I'm definitely a fan of pull-based curation; however, we didn't find much evidence that people were looking to use it. Presentation is an issue too. insomniasexx has been working on a redesign, and in it she has a follow icon, which reveals a drop down list of things that can be followed. But, even then, things get pretty complex with such a schematic. Consider if I make a post linking to, tagged #space and #mars: There is also the issue that some people like to use personal tags for specific content. That is, I might want to use the tag specifically for music that I want other people to hear, but not for articles that relate to music or the music industry. Of course, I could make But, I think personal tags are more likely to be followed when they aren't created for every post, as they then suggest that the author is doing something with special intent.
And that doesn't include a community tag. mk
I think the only time people will want something as specific as is when someone is compiling a list or like you said when you want to refer someone only to the posts you have about space. I also prefer we keep the interface simple and uncluttered, so maybe it would be nice to be able to
do filtering with URLs for example[music, space]user=[mk, caelum19,eightbitsamurai] or if you don't like my taste in music[music!(caelum19), space]user=[mk, caelum19,eightbitsamurai]
or if you only like eightbitsamurai's taste in music[music.eightbitsamurai, space]user=[mk, caelum19,eightbitsamurai]
You can build some URL filters, but we don't currently have an 'or' option for variables: Here are all posts tagged with #music posted by ecib and shared by myself: Here are all posts tagged with #bitcoin that I replied to that have more than two shares: This is all the #music posts that 8bit has shared:
No. :) We should probably add them to the primer page at the very least. Here's what we have: time shares over under author replied voteby shareby type
For design, I could see something like this in the upper right where the follow links are:
edit: I also completely agree with caelum19. A nice query string structure would be super nice to have, and I think it'd go well with more specific following options.
With more being one of the cool popups with:
follow @user | follow #tag1 | follow #tag2 | follow .domain | + more
Would definitely be less crowded with only one tag, but this would be mainly the same as it is now but with a "more" button. But, I will definitely concede that it would be a waste to implement if it weren't going to be used. follow...